Do you wish to sometimes relive your fondest school memories of the tamarind seller standing outside the gate, the sweet supari seller at the corner, Madrasi Anna's black saunf at the tea stall or the basket full of aam papad candies and varied tangy, sweet stuff from the Marwari aunty in the narrow lane? Life is moving ahead at supersonic speed and we are leaving behind the innocent flavorful tastes of our colorful days from the past! Mera Swaad rewinds it all for you in its classic style! Bringing all those lovely tastes to relish again and give you the same sensation and feeling of your Swaad! A range of healthy digestives, mouth fresheners, candies with flavours of mango, papaya, paan and lots more.

Mera Swaad has all those lip smacking tastes from childhood that never lets you grow old and keeps the child in you alive!


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